Can’t tell an alligator from a crocodile? We can help
Here at the library, we think our Summer Reading Club is pretty big news. It’s filled with activities, prizes and fun for people of all ages.
But we’re also realistic—we know that the biggest news of last week wasn’t the beginning of our Summer Reading Club. That prize goes to the 6-foot-long alligator that was discovered swimming in Hope Mills Lake.
Aside from being a new attraction for downtown, the alligator is also the biggest topic of conversation at the circulation desk. Everyone (including library staff) is curious about where it came from and how long it’s going to stay in the lake.
In response to this outpouring of curiosity, last week we highlighted some of our books on alligators. The books were on display as you walked into the library, and evidently, I wasn’t the only one who wanted a refresher on the difference between an alligator and a crocodile.
Most of those displayed books on alligators have been checked out. We still have some left for those who haven’t satisfied their reptile curiosity. Right now, I’m looking through “Outside and Inside Alligators” by Sandra Markle, and it will be on display until it’s checked out and finds a good home.
And of course, all of your reading, alligator-related or not, can go toward winning prizes in our Summer Reading Club.
Summer Reading Club for all ages has begun. Stop by and pick up a packet to get started on your way to winning some great prizes.
—from The Sandspur, June 16, 2010